I have a project where bootstrap5 is working properly. I tried to install bootstrap-table with
yarn add bootstrap-table
in application.js
I got:
import 'bootstrap-table/dist/bootstrap-table.min.js'
import 'bootstrap-table/dist/locale/bootstrap-table-de-DE.min.js'
and in backend.sass:
@import '~bootstrap-table/dist/bootstrap-table.min.css'
jquery was added with yarn and is v3.6.0 and I have first
import $ from 'jquery'
in application.js
and in environment.js
const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
const coffee = require('./loaders/coffee')
const webpack = require('webpack')
environment.plugins.prepend('Provide', new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: 'jquery/src/jquery',
jQuery: 'jquery/src/jquery',
jquery: 'jquery',
'window.jQuery': 'jquery',
Popper: ['popper.js', 'default']
so now the styles are not applied correctly and it applies bootstrap4 to the table class:
When I enter bootstrap5 instead the style is correclty applied, elsewise not. Also the Dropdown for pagination is not working. When I click on it nothing pops up. The normal dropdown from bootstrap5 is working by itself outside of bootstrap-table.
I have tried to change imports a lot, installed different yarn packages.
I found this issue on the github repo. Adding the constant in application.js
is not working for me.
They wrote the bootstrap version would be read out in index.js
let bootstrapVersion = 4
try {
const rawVersion = $.fn.dropdown.Constructor.VERSION
// Only try to parse VERSION if it is defined.
// It is undefined in older versions of Bootstrap (tested with 3.1.1).
if (rawVersion !== undefined) {
bootstrapVersion = parseInt(rawVersion, 10)
for some reason $.fn.dropdown.Constructor
is undefined for me. Tried to change imports to fix this, but not sure why it is not working.
check answers provided here https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/issues/5837#issuecomment-952301379
helped to solve the issue the following way:
// bootstrap.js
import 'bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap'
window.bootstrap = {
Tooltip: {
instead import the new bootstrap.js BEFORE importing Bootstrap Table in application.js
For example:
import '../assets/js/bootstrap'
import 'bootstrap-table/dist/bootstrap-table.js'
import 'bootstrap-table/dist/bootstrap-table.min.css'
the file has probably to be included since webpacker may change the code execution after imports if you try to add window.bootstrap ...
within application.js