When editing a geometry shape I sometimes get the js error showing in the debug:
The issue occurs when I try to drag the geometry and manipulate the shape, such as a rectangle or polygon. The error message is intermittent. I've tried searching MS docs and cant find any reference to the '_clickTolerence' parameter so I'm not sure if there is an parameter that we can set for this? totally lost on this one...
Using the following script from MS:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://atlas.microsoft.com/sdk/javascript/drawing/1/atlas-drawing.min.css" type="text/css" />
<script src="https://atlas.microsoft.com/sdk/javascript/drawing/1/atlas-drawing.min.js"></script>
Not sure which version this relates to but as of Oct 2021 is the current version...
The pattern of behaviour seems to be that the error only shows when I select one of the round dots to change the shape, but on the occasion where the whole geometry tries to move is when the error message appears. It seems that the drag and edit control doesn't always recognise when I'm trying to manipulate the shape rather than dragging and moving the whole object which is when the error is thrown.
I've tried searching MS docs and cant find any reference to the '_clickTolerence' parameter
Marker._clickTolerance is an internal property of maplibre's (that MapControl utilizes underneath) Marker implementation.
The reason why you are seeing this exception is because move handler is being called on the marker that is removed at same time (drag handles are removed on move).
Thanks for reporting this, the issue has been fixed on the drawing module side, I will update this answer once the new drawing module release is out.