I was wondering how computer would look if trinary logic was used. It seems like the bigger the base , the more memory can be utilized. I'll explain. Binary address with length of 32 -> allows you to represent 2^32 possible values. Trinary address -> 3^32 , which is ~ 431439 bigger than the binary one .
It seems like it is much better. Also , the hardware way of doing it could be done easly -> 2 means strong current, 1 means weak current , and 0 no current. Of course it is much more complicated, but the idea is simple. However , i couldnt find any reffrence to any new research or new computer using this kind of logic.
So , my question is why not using 3 numbers logic ? or any n -number logic ( n>2 ) ? What is stopping us from doing that ?
These already exist. In fact one of the first computers used ternary logic and indeed, Knuth believes that due to their efficiency and elegance we will eventually move back to using them.