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Turn PDU device on with Laravel Scheduler and Laravel Redirect

I have a Power Delivery Unit device connected to my local network, that is controlled by a simple web page and I´m trying to use Laravel Schedule to turn the device on and off at specific times of the day. So I´ve created a PDUController with the following methods: (both approaches work fine)

public function on()
    return redirect()->away(

public function off()
    return Redirect::to(

If you visit the routes:

Route::get('/pdu/on', [PDUController::class, 'on'])->name('pdu.on');
Route::get('/pdu/off', [PDUController::class, 'off'])->name('');

Everything works as expected and you can turn the device on or off accordingly. Now when I use the Scheduler on Kernel.php like:

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)

It doesn´t work. I know the flow is right, because I can Log::debug() every step of the process correctly, but the device is not receiveing the signal and thus is not turning on. Could you help, please? Thanks!


  • The Redirect functions return a redirect response to the browser. Since the scheduler runs through Artisan, there is no browser to redirect, so no connection is made. Instead, use the HTTP Client to create a connection to the page.