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Pandas : How to drop a row where column values match with a specific value (all value are list of value)

I have a dataframe column where all the values are under a list format (one list per column value with one or multiple items).

I want to delete rows where a specific string is found in these list (the column value can be a 5 items list, if one of the item match with a specific string, then the row has to be dropped)

for row in df:
    for count, item in enumerate(df["prescript"]):
        for element in item:
            if "complementary" in element:

df["prescript"] is the column on which i want to iterate
"complementary" : if that word is find in column value, the row has to be dropped

How can i improve the code above to make it works?

Thanks all


  • Impractical solution that may trigger some new learning:

    df = pd.DataFrame(
        columns="   index    drug                 prescript ".split(),
        data= [
                [       0,      1,     ['a', 's', 'd', 'f'], ],
                [       1,      2,     ['e', 'a', 'e', 'f'], ],
                [       2,      3,               ['e', 'a'], ],
                [       3,      4,   ['a', 'complementary'], ],]).set_index("index", drop=True)
        df['prescript'].explode().replace({'complementary': np.nan}).groupby(level=0).agg(lambda x: ~pd.isnull(x).any())