I have an array with dimension (5000, 5000, 12) representing X, Y and color. It is already dtype=uint16
I would like to create a tiff stack from this array so I can load it in ImageJ. My approach so far:
'Top4cores.tif', full_small_image,
bigtiff=True, imagej=True, resolution=(1, 1),
metadata={'spacing': 1, 'unit': 'um', 'axes': 'XYC'},photometric='minisblack')
Unfortunately, this creates an image with:
SizeC = 5000
SizeT = 1
SizeX = 18
SizeY = 5000
SizeZ = 1
How can I make sure my image has the correct coordinates? Do I have to export individual images and stack them afterwards?
uses tifffile under the hood. Recent versions raise builtins.ValueError: ImageJ hyperstack axes must be in TZCYXS order
. To fix this error, update tifffile, reverse the dimensions of your array, and use axes='CYX'
resolution=(1, 1),
metadata={'spacing': 1, 'unit': 'um', 'axes': 'CYX'}