I'm new to both StackOverflow and coding so I appreciate any and all support!
I'm trying to solve for x in this equation: x = (p^4).((15-(4p))-((10(p^2))/(1-((2p).(1-p)))))
I wrote the below Python code in PyCharm in order to calculate 'x'.
When p=60
, the output I expect is 0.735729231
but the output I get when I run the code is [-2981888998.72899]
I'd appreciate some guidance on what I'd need to change in order to output the expected value.
Many thanks!
PS: for reference: here is an image showing the equation written in its original format
import numpy as np
from sympy import *
p = 60
x = symbols('x')
eqn = Eq(x,(p**4)*((15-(4*p))-((10*(p**2))/(1-((2*p)*(1-p))))))
sol = solve(eqn,x)
I think there something wrong with your calculation or your equation.
You can do this directly without any packages,
p = 60
You don't need sympy to solve this because all the p variables are on the right side already. x is basically just your answer for subbing in p = 60 and expanding and solving the equation.
And You get the same number -2981888998.72899