I have a table with following structure. I am using SQL Server 2016
pkey | statusDate | Status | StatusEntryID |
1 | 2021-10-07 11:49:59.430 | Accept | 7 |
2 | 2021-10-07 11:51:50.430 | Processed | 7 |
3 | 2021-10-07 11:52:52.883 | Dispatched | 7 |
4 | 2021-10-07 11:55:37.263 | Delivered | 7 |
Please note: these status entries will be always in chronological order but one can override the normal flow and jump to any status directly. For example, from Accept
we can even jump to Delivered
What I am trying to achieve is a result which shows us the time differences between 2 states
For example - expected output is
EntryId Time_Approve Time_Process Time_Dispatch Time_Delivered
7 0 15 23 8
One thing to note in the sample is regarding Approve Status, which is not available in physical table. if its there only consider them in calculations.
I tried using Lag and Lead functions but couldn't achieve the desired result. Please help
First you use conditional aggregation to convert the 4 rows into 4 columns, then use COALESCE
to find the time of previous state (it must be done in reverse order). Finally you use DATEDIFF
WITH cte AS (
SELECT StatusEntryID
, t1 = MIN(CASE WHEN Status = 'Accept' THEN StatusDate END)
, t2 = MIN(CASE WHEN Status = 'Processed' THEN StatusDate END)
, t3 = MIN(CASE WHEN Status = 'Dispatched' THEN StatusDate END)
, t4 = MIN(CASE WHEN Status = 'Delivered' THEN StatusDate END)
GROUP BY StatusEntryID
SELECT StatusEntryID
, Time_Accept = 0
, Time_Process = DATEDIFF(SECOND, t1, t2)
, Time_Dispatch = DATEDIFF(SECOND, COALESCE(t2, t1), t3)
, Time_Delivered = DATEDIFF(SECOND, COALESCE(t3, t2, t1), t4)
FROM cte
All values are in seconds. Converting to hour/minute/seconds is trivial.