I want to create an automatic script in python that will inform me with an email when a new order is placed on my website. So far, I found I can use cronjobs from the apache server every minute, but it seems to be overkill since I don't get orders every minute.
So I'm looking for a better solution.
Here’s the code you can call this code whenever the order is placed by the user you don’t need to automate
If you are using django you can use this:
from django.core.mail import send_mail
'Subject here',
'Here is the message.',
Without django you can use this :
import smtplib
sender = 'from@example.com'
receivers = ['to@example.com']
message = “This is a test e-mail message."
smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receivers, message)
print "Successfully sent email"
except SMTPException:
print "Error: unable to send email"