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Angular Interceptor do not send response header

My GET, POST rquests works fine when there is no set headers in interceptors. If I do setHeaders in interceptors to set my userId data, 2 things I can see in Network tab:

  1. No response headers are seen which was visible earlier
  2. CORS error and 'Provisional headers are show' tag in the api request

enter image description here

Code (Interceptor)

intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
    // return next.handle(apiRequest);

    const user_id = this.loginService.userDetails["user_id"];
    if (!(user_id === undefined || user_id === null || user_id === '')) {
        request = request.clone({
            headers: request.headers.set( 'userId', user_id.toString())

    return next
    .pipe(tap((event) => {
        if (event instanceof HttpResponse) {
    (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
        throw error;

It worked fine for GET, but fails for POST. Also I am using HTTPClient only for the request


  • Http headers are not for sending data such as userId. You must add them in params (GET methods) or in body (POST methods) to send them to server. see examples below:


    this.http.get<MyResponseModel>('', {params:{userId: '1'}});

    POST:<MyResponseModel>('', {userId: '1'});

    Or set it in interceptor like this:

    const constantBodyParams: any = {};
    constantBodyParams.userId = 1;
    req = req.clone({
      body: {...req.body, ...constantBodyParams}