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How to add webhook events to KeyVaults, programmatically?

I am trying to implement a secret-renewal service for various shared secrets in our environment. My plan for this is to add a webhook event for "Secret expires soon" to each keyvault (there are many), pointing back to a service that knows how to deal with that.

I can do that manually, but I can't figure out which Azure SDK module will allow me to add events to a keyvault. There's no mention of it in the keyvault modules. The eventgrid module wants me to create an eventgrid domain first, and I know I don't need to, because the Portal doesn't do that.

What is managing those event subscriptions?


  • You can create an eventsubscription using the eventgrid module without needing to create an eventgrid domain first. Here's a simple example:

    from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
    from azure.mgmt.eventgrid import EventGridManagementClient
    from azure.mgmt.eventgrid.models import EventSubscriptionFilter, WebHookEventSubscriptionDestination, EventSubscription
        # webhook URL should respond to the eventgrid validation query as usual and have valid HTTPS config
        webhook_url = ""
        subscription_id = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890"
        kv_resource_id = "/subscriptions/12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890/resourceGroups/vault-test/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/testvault42"
        credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
        event_client = EventGridManagementClient(credential, subscription_id=subscription_id)
        subscription_name = "expiry-event-hook"
        destination = WebHookEventSubscriptionDestination(endpoint_url=webhook_url)
        event_filter = EventSubscriptionFilter(
            included_event_types=['Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNearExpiry', 'Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretExpired']
        the_sub = EventSubscription(
        scope = kv_resource_id
        poller = event_client.event_subscriptions.begin_create_or_update(scope, subscription_name, the_sub)
        print("Requested. Waiting on job to finish")
        print(f"Finished: {poller.status()}")