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Configure AWS Cognito by CDK for AWS SES (Simple Email Service): Service-linked role permissions - how to do this?

I have following issue with AWS Cognito using AWS SES for sending emails:

I configured Cognito using SES by CDK, but I read in the documentation that the "Service-linked role permissions" is required:

Using Service-Linked Roles for Amazon Cognito

All other AWS documentation about this topic was also no helpful for me.

Now I'm not sure, how I should add this role permission. I have a configured permission boundary, but here I haven't this role.

My question: Do I need to add this in the Permission Boundary or via CDK using IAM, and if I have to do this with CDK which method?

Thanks in advance!


  • I found the solution by myself:

    The "Service-linked role permissions" has to be configured in SES itself and not in Cognito (or elsewhere).

    Therefore go to

    1. AWS SES / Section: Identity Management

    2. Domains or Email Addresses

    3. Click on your entry and expand Identity Policies

    4. Create Policy for:

      Service: ""

      Allow Actions: "ses:SendEmail", "ses:SendRawEmail"