I want to do something similar to a Either.map5 on several Either types. But, instead of keeping just the first Left in case of my Eithers being Left, I want to keep all the Left Either contents, and put them into a List.
Basically instead of the Either<L,R> result of map5 I would like to have a Either<List,R>.
Is there a out-of-the-box way of doing this with dartz ?
I've created my own solution to my needs, here it is:
class EitherExtensions {
static Either<List<L>, F> map5AppendingLefts<L, A, A2 extends A, B,
B2 extends B, C, C2 extends C, D, D2 extends D, E, E2 extends E,F>(
Either<L, A2> fa,
Either<L, B2> fb,
Either<L, C2> fc,
Either<L, D2> fd,
Either<L, E2> fe,
F fun(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e)) {
IList<Either<L, Object?>> listOfEithers = IList.from([fa, fb, fc, fd, fe]);
List<L> listOfLefts = List<L>.empty(growable: true);
if (listOfEithers.any((either) => either.isLeft())) {
.forEach((element) => {element.leftMap((l) =>
return Left(listOfLefts);
} else {
return Either.map5(fa, fb, fc, fd, fe,
(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e) => fun(a, b, c, d, e))
.leftMap((l) => List<L>.empty());
Basically, if any of the provided Eithers is a Left I return a left with the list of Left contents, otherwise I call the bundled map5 function and map the left from the final result to an empty list just to match the expected return type, as I already know it is not a left anyways.