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How to install an .msi program in Azure Pipeline (Windows)

My objective is to install CppCheck in a Microsoft-Hosted image in Azure Pipelines. I already did this for an Ubuntu image, but CppCheck for Ubuntu is outdated. My pipeline:

- master

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

- job: MisraCheck
  displayName: Check for Misra Compliance


  - script: |
      sudo apt-get install cppcheck
    displayName: 'Install cppcheck'

  - script: |
      cppcheck --error-exitcode=1 --addon=misra.json .
    displayName: 'Run cppcheck'

As I am familiar with Linux (and apt-get), it was very easy to set-up this pipeline. But now I have to "translate" this pipeline to use on a Windows image.

CppCheck for Windows is a downloadable .msi file available at this page. The download link is easy to get.

I am aware that I need to use a Windows image in the pipeline, like "windows-2019" or "vs2017-win2016". The main question is how can I replace the apt-get command to get the .msi file from a link and install it?



  • How to install an .msi program in Azure Pipeline (Windows)

    You could use the Powershell task to install the .msi file:

    Start-Process $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\cppcheck-2.6-x64-Setup.msi -ArgumentList "/quiet"
    Start-Sleep 180 #waiting for installing complete

    And you need upload the .msi to your repo. Or you could use PowerShell scripts to download the .msi from the URL:


    Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\cppcheck-2.6-x64-Setup.msi
    Start-Sleep 90 #waiting for downloadig complete

    enter image description here