I'm working with a MEAN app and I'm having problems with the token interceptor. It is supposed to apply the headers after an user is logged in with this code:
intercept(request: HttpRequest<unknown>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<unknown>> {
const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
let req = request;
if (token) {
req = request.clone({
setHeaders: {
authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
However, I debugged the code and it is being executed before the login calls the api (so there's no login, no token, no user data, etc.). Thus it's useless, because I need the token in order to set the headers as the code shows.
You can combine it with a pipe and tap (or any other RxJs operators) to operate on a response call before it gets to your service.
intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler) {
// change req here before being send
return next.handle(req)
// to access data, or use map to manipulate it.