I want to configure a job that runs at dawn on the first Saturday of every month through Cloud Scheduler.
Considering the Scheduler Job Frequency setting to be the first Saturday of every month, I have designated it as follows.
ex) 45 2 1-7 * 6
However, it was confirmed that the above scheduler was running on the 23rd, last Saturday.
Is it not possible to configure a monthly schedule in Cloud Scheduler? If you could give me an answer, I would be very grateful.
I have checked these links in relation to the above.
Your current schedule, 45 2 1-7 * 6
, reads as At 02:45 on every day-of-month from 1 through 7 and on Saturday
. You can check it on Crontab guru.
In order to set a custom interval, you will need to use the App Engine Cron format.
In this case, try first saturday of month 02:45