I am running a code in python to calculate some metric on adjacency matrices, where I loop through all adjacency matrices, iteratively writing to a numpy array, and then save the output of the array at the end of the loop. As I can visualize the progress of the calculation, I see that the metric calculation on one of the matrices is taking way too long (e.g., instead of the usual 5 seconds, it's been hours). Here is my script:
longmat = scipy.io.loadmat('longmat.mat')
longmat = longmat['longmat']
matlength = longmat.shape
densval = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)
betti = 0
output_long = np.zeros((264, 168, 12), dtype=float, order='F')
for z in range(matlength[2]):
for s in range(matlength[1]):
temp = longmat[:, s, z] #vector of values
tempr = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(temp,checks=True)
for dens in range(len(densval)):
G_tda = gd.graph_density(densval[dens], tempr)
B = bet.Betti_k(G_tda, betti, verbose=False)
output_long[dens, s, z] = B
if B < 2:
scipy.io.savemat('longout.mat', {'output_long': output_long})
I'd like to pause the script and save the array output up until this point and was wondering if this is possible. Thank you very much for your help!
You need an if
while true: # or a for loop
#do the calculations here
if condition: # condition is the metric before the one that takes too long to calculate
open("test.txt", "a").write(output) # save the output to the file
This is only possible if you know which metric takes a long time to calculate.
Now that you have shared your code, I can see a better option. You need to put the scipy.io.savemat()
in the most inner loop. As below:
longmat = scipy.io.loadmat('longmat.mat')
longmat = longmat['longmat']
matlength = longmat.shape
densval = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)
betti = 0
output_long = np.zeros((264, 168, 12), dtype=float, order='F')
for z in range(matlength[2]):
for s in range(matlength[1]):
temp = longmat[:, s, z] #vector of values
tempr = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(temp,checks=True)
for dens in range(len(densval)):
G_tda = gd.graph_density(densval[dens], tempr)
B = bet.Betti_k(G_tda, betti, verbose=False)
if B < 2:
output_long[dens, s, z] = B
scipy.io.savemat('longout.mat', {'output_long': output_long}, appendmat=True)
This way at the end of each loop B
is appended to the output file. Note that appendmat=True
ensures no overwrite will happen. You can see its documentation here. I didn't use else
, but you can use it for beauty. It's not necessary anyway.