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pause python script to save output

I am running a code in python to calculate some metric on adjacency matrices, where I loop through all adjacency matrices, iteratively writing to a numpy array, and then save the output of the array at the end of the loop. As I can visualize the progress of the calculation, I see that the metric calculation on one of the matrices is taking way too long (e.g., instead of the usual 5 seconds, it's been hours). Here is my script:

longmat ='longmat.mat')
longmat = longmat['longmat']
matlength = longmat.shape
densval = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)
betti = 0
output_long = np.zeros((264, 168, 12), dtype=float, order='F')

for z in range(matlength[2]): 
    for s in range(matlength[1]):
        temp = longmat[:, s, z] #vector of values
        tempr = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(temp,checks=True)

        for dens in range(len(densval)):
            G_tda = gd.graph_density(densval[dens], tempr)
            B = bet.Betti_k(G_tda, betti, verbose=False)
            output_long[dens, s, z] = B
            if B < 2:
                break'longout.mat', {'output_long': output_long})

I'd like to pause the script and save the array output up until this point and was wondering if this is possible. Thank you very much for your help!



  • You need an if statement.

    while true: # or a for loop
        #do the calculations here
        if condition: # condition is the metric before the one that takes too long to calculate
            open("test.txt", "a").write(output) # save the output to the file

    This is only possible if you know which metric takes a long time to calculate.

    UPDATE: Now that you have shared your code, I can see a better option. You need to put the in the most inner loop. As below:

    longmat ='longmat.mat')
    longmat = longmat['longmat']
    matlength = longmat.shape
    densval = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)
    betti = 0
    output_long = np.zeros((264, 168, 12), dtype=float, order='F')
    for z in range(matlength[2]): 
        for s in range(matlength[1]):
            temp = longmat[:, s, z] #vector of values
            tempr = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(temp,checks=True)
            for dens in range(len(densval)):
                G_tda = gd.graph_density(densval[dens], tempr)
                B = bet.Betti_k(G_tda, betti, verbose=False)
                if B < 2:
                output_long[dens, s, z] = B
      'longout.mat', {'output_long': output_long}, appendmat=True)

    This way at the end of each loop B is appended to the output file. Note that appendmat=True ensures no overwrite will happen. You can see its documentation here. I didn't use else, but you can use it for beauty. It's not necessary anyway.