Im making a Multiplatform KMM project, and im having trouble assigning dynamic value to the button property.
Basically I have this like button which changes its states depending on selected
struct SelectFavouriteButton: View {
@State var selected = false
let action: (Bool) -> Void
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
}) {
Image(systemName: selected ? "heart.fill" : "heart" )
The view model from Kotlin part:
data class Data(
var isLiked: Boolean? = null,
var isSaved: Boolean? = null,
And the view where this button is called:
struct CellView: View {
@State var advert: Data?
var body: some View {
// Cannot convert value of type 'KotlinBoolean' to expected argument type 'Bool'
// Insert ' as! Bool'
SelectFavouriteButton(selected: advert?.isLiked ?? false){ isPressed in // Error is here
self.action(isPressed, advert?.id ?? "" , false)
Should I use mapping? If yes how do I do it in the current context? Pls help
Kotlin primitives transferred to NSNumber
in swift, so try the following (not tested - idea only)
let linked = advert.isLiked as? NSNumber // or NSNumber?
SelectFavouriteButton(selected: linked?.boolValue ?? false){ isPressed in
self.action(isPressed, advert?.id ?? "" , false)