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How can I remove directory paths listed in a text file but keep the file paths?

I have a text file with thousands of lines, containing both directory paths and file paths. I would like to loop through each line of the text file and remove any lines containing a directory path, and keep all lines containing a file path. An example of two lines (one directory, and one path from the text file):


So far, to loop through the text file, I have:

foreach ($line in [System.IO.File]::ReadLines("file.txt")) {
    if ($line -match ".*/.*$") {

Goal output:


Note: I do not want to hardcode file extensions. There are thousands of files to traverse and I dont know what extensions are present, so I would like to return all of them.


  • So, the basic logic here is easy:

    Get-Content "file.txt" | where { $_ is a file path... }

    It kind of depends on how you want to determine, if it's a file path

    If all of your directory paths end in "/", you could simply do:

    where { -not $_.EndsWith("/") }


    where { []::GetFileName($_) -eq "" }

    If not, but all of your file paths definitely have an extension, you could do:

    where { []::GetExtension($_) -ne "" }

    If all of the paths actually exist, you could also do this:

    where { Test-Path $_ -Type Leaf }