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flutter getx web sockets - stream data to be cascaded to provider and controller

Objective is simple

  • flutter app makes a call to graphql api over websockets
  • app view calls the controller, controller calls the provider, provider calls the AWS appsync api over websockets or over HTTP api socket call
  • we receive a stream of data from appsync api or HTTP api socket call over websockets every now and then from backend
  • streams need to be cascaded back to provider , and then to controller (this is the critical step)
  • controller (not the provider) would update the obs or reactive variable, make the UI reflect the changes

problem : data is recieved via websockets in the caller, but never passed back as stream to provider or controller to reflect the changes

sample code

actual caller orderdata.dart

  Stream<dynamic> subscribe({
    String query,
    Map<String, dynamic> variables,
  }) async* {
    // it can be any stream here, http or file or image or media
    final Stream<GraphQLResponse<String>> operation = Amplify.API.subscribe(
        document: query,
        variables: variables,
      onEstablished: () {
          '===->subscribe onEstablished ===',

      (event) async* {
        final jsonData = json.decode(;
        debugPrint('===->subscription data $jsonData');
        yield jsonData;
      onError: (Object e) => debugPrint('Error in subscription stream: $e'),

in the provider orderprovider.dart

  Stream<Order> orderSubscription(String placeId) async* {
    debugPrint('===->=== $placeId');
    subscriptionResponseStream = orderData.subscribe(
      query: subscribeToMenuOrder,
      variables: {"place_id": placeId},

    subscriptionResponseStream.listen((event) async* {
        "===->=== yielded $event",
      yield event;
    debugPrint('===->=== finished');

in the controller homecontroller.dart

  Future<void> getSubscriptionData(String placeId) async {
          (data) {
            //this block is executed when data event is receivedby listener
            debugPrint('Data: $data');
            Get.snackbar('orderSubscription', data.toString());
          onError: (err) {
            //this block is executed when error event is received by listener
            debugPrint('Error: $err');
              false, //this decides if subscription is cancelled on error or not
          onDone: () {
            //this block is executed when done event is received by listener

homeview calls homecontroller


  • Try using map for transforming Streams:

      Stream<dynamic> subscribe({
        String query,
        Map<String, dynamic> variables,
      }) {
        // it can be any stream here, http or file or image or media
        final Stream<GraphQLResponse<String>> operation = Amplify.API.subscribe(
            document: query,
            variables: variables,
          onEstablished: () {
              '===->subscribe onEstablished ===',
        return {
          return json.decode(;
      // elsewhere
      final subscription = subscribe(
        query: 'some query', 
        variables: {},
        (jsonData) {
          debugPrint('===->subscription data $jsonData');
        onError: (Object e) => debugPrint('Error in subscription stream: $e'),