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How to specify response using recipe package in Tidymodels

I am creating a recipe so that I first create a calculated column called "response" as so:

rec <- recipe( ~., data = training) %>%
  step_mutate(response = as.integer(all(c('A', 'B') %in% Col4) & Col4 == 'A'))

I would like to now specify this new calculated column as the response variable in the recipe() function as shown below. I will be doing a series of operations on it such as this first one with step_naomit. How do I re-specify my response in recipe() to be the calculated column from my previous step (above) using recipes?

recipe <- recipe(response ~ ., data = training) %>%
          step_naomit(recipe, response)


  • You can set the role for new columns in the step_mutate() function by explictly setting the role= parmaeter.

    rec <- recipe( ~., data = iris) %>%
      step_mutate(SepalSquared= Sepal.Length ^ 2, role="outcome")

    Then check that it worked with summary(prep(rec))

      variable     type    role      source  
      <chr>        <chr>   <chr>     <chr>   
    1 Sepal.Length numeric predictor original
    2 Sepal.Width  numeric predictor original
    3 Petal.Length numeric predictor original
    4 Petal.Width  numeric predictor original
    5 Species      nominal predictor original
    6 SepalSquared numeric outcome   derived