I have saved the answer values in a table in rows, 1 answer 1 row, 5 rows in this example. If I migrate it to JSON it will be 2 rows(JSON)
Id | Optionsid | Pid | Column |
1 | 2 | 1 | null |
2 | 1 | 2 | null |
3 | 1 | 2 | null |
4 | 2 | 2 | null |
5 | 3 | 1 | null |
I want to calculate how many answers(pid) for each Optionsid with
SELECT COUNT(pid)AS Counted, OptionsId
FROM Answer GROUP BY [Column], OptionsId
Table Results
Counted | Optionsid |
2 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
1 | 3 |
I have run thus query and saved it in a new table
select * from Answer for Json Auto
Json Table I added {"answer":} to the Json
id | pid | json |
1 | 1 | {"Answer":[{"Id":1,"Optionsid":2,"Pid":1}]} |
2 | 2 | {"Answer":[{"Id":2,"Optionsid":1,"Pid":2},{"Id":2,"Optionsid":1,"Pid":2},{"Id":3,"Optionsid":2,"Pid":2},{"Id":4,"Optionsid":3,"Pid":2}]} |
I want to get the same result from Json Table as the Table result above, but I can get it to work This Query only take the first[0] in the array, i want a query who take all values in the array. Can someone help me with this query?
Select Count(Json_value ([json], '$.Answer[0].Pid')) as Counted,
Json_value ([json], '$.Answer[0].Optionsid') as OptionsId
from [PidJson]
group by Json_value ([json],'$.Answer[0].Column'),Json_value
Here is a fiddle if you want to see
Here is the solution
SELECT Count(JsonData.Pid) as Counted,
FROM PidJson AS RelationsTab
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (RelationsTab.json,
Pid VARCHAR(200) N'$.Pid',
Optionsid VARCHAR(200) N'$.Optionsid',
ColumnValue INT N'$.Column'
) AS JsonData
Group by JsonData.ColumnValue, JsonData.Optionsid
Thanks for your time and that you "force" me to clearify my question and I find the solution