The following is my Code. The "sequences" are my training data in the form [139 rows x 4 columns], 0) where the 139x4 are my signals and the 0 is my encoded label.
def __getitem__(self, idx):
sequence, label = self.sequences[idx]
#converting sequence and label to tensors
sequence = torch.Tensor(sequence.to_numpy())
print("label before tensor", label)
label = torch.Tensor(label).long()
print("numel() labels :", label.numel())
print("label shape :", shape(label))
return (sequence, label)
The Code output is:
>>label before tensor 0 (This is my encoded label)
>>numel() labels : 0
>>label shape : torch.Size([0])
Why is my label tensor empty?
Because torch.Tensor
expects either an array (in which case this array becomes the underlying values) or several int
s which will be the size of the tensor. Hence torch.Tensor(0)
instantiates a tensor of size 0.
Either you use torch.Tensor([0])
or torch.tensor(0)
. Why these two objects behave in a different manner I don't know, but I'd recommend using the tensor
(not capitalized) since it's better documented (the Tensor
one seems to be part of the C port)
edit : found this useful thread about their difference