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Using lapply in data.table to extract element from a list column

I merged a list of lm summaries with a data.table. Next, I extract a coefficient from the summaries and generate a new column containing the number. My question is, why do I have to use lapply to complete such work?
For example, the following code worked.

new.DT <- old.DT[, result := lapply(X = results.of.lm, FUN = summary)] %>%
  .[, beta := lapply(X = result, function(x) x$coefficients[2,1])] 

While the following code failed.

new.DT <- old.DT[, result := lapply(X = results.of.lm, FUN = summary)] %>% 
.[, beta := result$coefficients[2,1])] 

However, for some functions I apply to columns in data.table (e.g. paste, substr or as.numeric), lapply was not necessary. I couldn't figure out what cause the difference. Thank you!


  • Presuming that old.DT looks something like this:

       grp results.of.lm
    1:   1      <lm[12]>
    2:   2      <lm[12]>
    3:   3      <lm[12]>

    then, after creating the result column using old.DT[, result:=lapply(results.of.lm,summary)], we note that result is a list of lists

       grp results.of.lm           result
    1:   1      <lm[12]> <summary.lm[11]>
    2:   2      <lm[12]> <summary.lm[11]>
    3:   3      <lm[12]> <summary.lm[11]>

    Note that old.DT$result$coefficients is NULL, and thus beta:=result$coefficients[2,1] will NOT return the desired result. Instead, your use of lapply does return the coefficients:

    old.DT[, beta:=lapply(result, function(x) x$coefficients[2,1])][]

       grp results.of.lm           result       beta
    1:   1      <lm[12]> <summary.lm[11]> -0.2819342
    2:   2      <lm[12]> <summary.lm[11]>  0.1645671
    3:   3      <lm[12]> <summary.lm[11]>  0.2215897