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How do I make a Python reload command for the Discord bot on Heroku?

I'm trying to figure out how to create a command that "reloads" the Discord Bot commands and allows me to keep the bot running while I add new commands.

It just makes my life easier, so I don't need to restart the bot.

My bot is on Heroku. I've already tried reload_extension and load_extension, unload_extension, it reloads the cog, but no changes have been made. On, the same code works and changes are made

async def reload(ctx, extension):
    await ctx.message.add_reaction("✅")

async def reloadd(ctx, extension):
    await ctx.message.add_reaction("✅")

I will be glad if you can help!


  • This sadly isn't possible due to Heroku's deploy process. If you want to update code on Heroku, you would need to trigger a build, and during that phase, Heroku automatically restarts your bot to apply the new code changes.