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Angular Custom Validators. How to validate a form field using a given Promise?

I need to validate a form field using a method which returns a Promise. But it never returns the error because Promises are asynchronous.

This is my validator:

static email(usersService: UsersService): ValidatorFn {

  return (control: AbstractControl):{ [key: string]: boolean | null } => {
    const email = control.value;
    if (email) {
        (result) => { return result.username ? {emailExists: true} : null }
    } else {
      return null;

This is my UsersService method

validateUsername(username: string): Promise<{"username": string}> {
  return'/users/username_validation', {"username": username}).pipe(
    map((body: {"username": string}) => body),


  • All I needed to do is use AsyncValidator like this:


    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
    import { AbstractControl, AsyncValidator, ValidationErrors } from '@angular/forms';
    import { Observable} from 'rxjs';
    import { UsersService } from "@app/users/users.service";
      providedIn: 'root'
    export class EmailValidator implements AsyncValidator {
      constructor( private usersService: UsersService ) { }
      validate( control: AbstractControl): Promise<ValidationErrors> | Observable<ValidationErrors> {
        const email = control.value;
        if (email) {
          return this.usersService.validateUsername(email).then(
            (result) => { 
              return result.username ? {emailExists: true} : null 
        } else {
          return null;