In short
How to install latest version of pip package python-firebase
using pipenv when pipenv install python-firebase
not working?
Full detail
To have firebase working with python code, as guided officially from firebase homepage here, I use python-firebase
library as listed there.
Install it by running pipenv install python-firebase
, my code resulted with below error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/namgivu/code/namgivu/l/gcp/gcp_firebase_start/", line 56, in <module>
from firebase import firebase
File "/home/namgivu/code/namgivu/l/gcp/gcp_firebase_start/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/firebase/", line 3
from .async import process_pool
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
The solution for that is to install the latest version of python-firebase, as discussed here, but thru the pip directly not pipenv
pip install git+
I tried that with pipenv inplaceof pip, but didn't work
pipenv install git+
So my question is what to put into Pipfile so that we can get firebase ready-to-serve in our python code by simple install command pipenv install
According to the doc here from pipenv
pipenv install is fully compatible with pip install syntax
So you could try
pipenv install \
as the recommendation you have linked suggested. Notice #egg=python-firebase
is appended since pipenv
requires an #egg
fragment for version controlled dependencies.
To answer your question, the following is the Pipfile
generated by pipenv
, although you should rely on pipenv
to generate this file for you.
url = ""
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"
python-firebase = {ref = "0d79d7609844569ea1cec4ac71cb9038e834c355", git = ""}
python_version = "3.9"