Hi l'm trying to do a function that returns the 3 most commom strings
(take 3 (sort-by val > (frequencies s))))
(freq ["hi" "hi" "hi" "ola" "hello" "hello" "string" "str" "ola" "hello" "hello" "str"])
l've got this so far but a noticed that if there are more than 1 string with the same frenquency it won't return. Is there a way to filter the values of the frequencies funcition by their highest (eventually the top 3 highest)?
Thanks in advance.
I would propose slightly different solution which involves inverting frequencies map with group-by
value (which is the items' count):
(->> data
(group-by val))
;;{3 [["hi" 3]],
;; 2 [["ola" 2] ["str" 2]],
;; 4 [["hello" 4]],
;; 1 [["string" 1]]}
so the only thing you need is to just sort and process it:
(->> data
(group-by val)
(sort-by key >)
(take 3)
(mapv (fn [[k vs]] {:count k :items (mapv first vs)})))
;;[{:count 4, :items ["hello"]}
;; {:count 3, :items ["hi"]}
;; {:count 2, :items ["ola" "str"]}]