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Robotframework: no keyword with name 'open browser' found

I am trying to create a simple robot framework test, but when i run the following code, the test fails saying that there's no keyword for 'open browser'. It looks like the selenium library is not recognized, but I cannot understand why, as I have the required plugins installed (intellibot and robotframework support)

*** Settings ***
Documentation  Testing
Library  SeleniumLibrary
Library  AngularJSLibrary

*** Variables ***
${BROWSER}  chrome

*** Test Cases ***
    begin web test

*** Keywords ***
Begin web test
    open browser  about:blank  ${BROWSER}
    maximize browser window


  • Did you install robotframework-seleniumLibrary?? You can install by executing following command. pip install --upgrade robotframework-seleniumlibrary Official Page for reference: official robot framework selenium library documentation. Also you need to have chrome drivers installed Download Chrome Driver.