I have the following function to get the number of permutations (without repeating elements) of a list:
import itertools
def permutations_without_repetition(samples, size):
return list(itertools.permutations(samples, size))
Which works fine for me as long as the list I provide doesn't contain nested lists. Itertools treats nested elements just as one whole element, and doesn't bother also generating permutations containing differently-ordered nested lists.
If I run permutations_without_repetition([[1, 2], 3], 2)
, the only results I get are:
[([1, 2], 3), (3, [1, 2])]
I know this is the expected behaviour, but I would like the result to be:
[([1, 2], 3), (3, [1, 2]), ([2, 1], 3), (3, [2, 1])]
What's the easiest way to also return permutations that contain permutations of nested lists, to produce the result above?
You can use a recursive generator function:
def combos(d, c = []):
if not isinstance(d, list):
yield d
elif not d:
yield c
for i, a in enumerate(d):
for k in combos(a, c = []):
yield from combos(d[:i]+d[i+1:], c+[k])
print(list(combos([[1, 2], 3])))
[[[1, 2], 3], [[2, 1], 3], [3, [1, 2]], [3, [2, 1]]]
Shorter solution using itertools
import itertools as it
def combos(d):
if not isinstance(d, list):
yield d
for i in it.permutations(d):
yield from map(list, it.product(*[combos(j) for j in i]))
print(list(combos([[1, 2], 3])))
[[[1, 2], 3], [[2, 1], 3], [3, [1, 2]], [3, [2, 1]]]