I am extremely new to Smalltalk, so please excuse me if I am implementing this solution incorrectly.
I'm reading a table from a txt file that looks like this:
1 3 5
2 4 7
55 30 50
I am reading the file through an readStream as follows:
inStream := inFile readStream.
where inFile
is the address of the input file.
gets used to build the table with this method:
readInput: inStream
| line |
rows := OrderedCollection new.
[ (line := inStream nextLine) notNil ] whileTrue: [ rows add: line.
show: 'read line:';
show: line;
Finally, I'm printing specific columns with this method:
printCols: columns
"comment stating purpose of instance-side method"
"scope: class-variables & instance-variables"
| columnsCollection |
columnsCollection := columns findTokens: ','.
rows do: [ :currentRow |
columnsCollection do: [ :each |
show: (currentRow at: (each asInteger) );
show: ' '.
Transcript cr.
where columns
is a comma separated list of columns I'm interested in printing passed in as a string.
I'm not sure what's wrong in my printCols
function, but the output I'm seeing always removes the second number of a given item. For example, when printing column 1, I'll get:
any help is greatly appreciated!
As Leandro Caniglia mentions in the comments of the post, the problem is that currentRow
is a String, while I was expecting it to be a collection, and therefore, in the columnsCollection
loop, I'm accessing a single character instead of an element from the collection.
The solution was to change how I'm reading in the rows to make sure they are taken as a collection of collections instead of a collection of Strings.
readInput: inStream
| line |
rows := OrderedCollection new.
[ (line := inStream nextLine) notNil ] whileTrue: [ |row|
row := OrderedCollection new.
row := line findTokens: ' '.
rows add: row.
Thanks for the help!