I have 50x49 matrix A
that has 49 linearly independent columns. However, my software (octave) tells me its rank is 44:
Is it due to some computational error? If so, then how to prevent such errors?
If the software was able to correctly calculate rref(A)
, then why did it fail with rank(A)
? Does it mean that calculating rank(A)
is more error prone than calculating rref(A)
, or vice versa? I mean rref(A)
actually tells you the rank, but here's a contradiction.
P.S. I've checked, Python makes the same error.
EDIT 1: Here is the matrix A
itself. The first 9 columns were given. The rest was obtained with polynomial features.
EDIT 2: I was able to found a similar issue. Here is 10x10 matrix B
of rank 10 (and octave calculates its rank correctly). However, octave says that rank(B * B) = 9
which is impossible.
The distinction between an invertible matrix (i.e. full rank) and a non-invertible one is clear-cut in theory, but not so in practice. A matrix B
with large condition number (as in your example) can be inverted, but computing the inverse is numerically unstable. It roughly corresponds to B
having a determinant that is "small" (using an appropriate, relative measure of "small"), so the matrix is almost singular. As a result, the inverse matrix will be computed with bad accuracy. In your example B
, the condition number (computed with cond
) is 2.069e9
Another way to look at this is: when the condition number is large, it well could be that B
is "really" singular, but small numerical errors from previous computations make it look barely non-singular. So you can't be sure.
The rank
and rref
functions use different algorithms (singular-value decomposition for rank
, Gauss-Jordan elimination with partial pivoting for rref
). For well-behaved matrices the numerical errors will be small in both cases, and the results will be consistent. But for a bad-conditioned matrix the numerical errors will be large and potentially different in each case, giving inconsistent results.
This is a well known issue with numerical algebra. In general, avoid inverting matrices with large condition number.