I have a generator that streams one line of a large file at a time. I only want to process one line at a time and the file size is likely to get quite large.
export async function *lineOfFileGenerator(fullFilePath: string) {
const filestream = createReadStream(fullFilePath);
const rl = createInterface({
input: filestream,
crlfDelay: Infinity
for await (const line of rl) {
yield line;
It is then instantiated
const gen = lineOfFileGenerator('./path/to/file')
I want to keep calling this generator (which returns a promise) until it is 'done'. Since it returns a promise, I can't loop and directly check if the done boolean is true. I made a recursive function
function genPrinter(geno: any): void | AsyncGeneratorFunction {
geno.next().then((val: { done: boolean; value: string; }) => {
if (val.done) {
// will eventually call a processing function.
return genPrinter(geno);
However, I get RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
I'm not sure of the best way to call this generator/solve this problem.
Recursive functions expect some condition to exit. In your case you called genPrinter
endlessly, in this case you don't need a recursive function, just an await..for
loop to do the work. Here I refactored your code a bit:
async function genPrinter(geno: any) {
for await (let val of geno) {
console.log('value:', val);
If you still want to do same thing, in your method try this:
async function genPrinter(geno: any): void | AsyncGeneratorFunction {
let { done, value } = await geno.next();
if (done) {
return genPrinter(geno);