How to ask python docx to write in italic type but not the entire sentence, just some words ?
I have this code :
names = ["names1"]
dates = ["dates1"]
client = ["client1"]
from docx import Document
document = Document('filename.docx')
paragraphs = document.paragraphs
paragraphs[0].insert_paragraph_before(" To "+names+" Date "+dates)
paragraphs[0].insert_paragraph_before(" ")
paragraphs[0].insert_paragraph_before(" From "+names+" Ref "+client)
paragraphs[0].insert_paragraph_before(" ")
I know how to specify an entire sentence to be in italic type, but not how to tell python to transform just one word in italic type.
Here, I would like to transform To
, Date
, From
, Ref
but just those four word, not the rest.
Have you an idea how to do that ?
You can do something like this:
p = document.add_paragraph()
p.add_run('To').italic = True
p.add_run(" "+names+" ")
p.add_run('Date').italic = True
and so on.