I am trying to write a function which loops through a list of strings that looks like this:
[" | "," # "," * "," | "," # "]
I am trying to find and return the first element that contains either '|', '#', or '*'
, depending on the users choice.
I came up with this solution:
test :: Char -> [String] -> Maybe Char
test c (x:xs) = find (== c) $ concatMap (filter (/=' ')) (reverse xs)
And I get this output:
ghci> test '*' [" | "," # "," * "," | "," # "]
Just '*'
Which finds the element, but I want it to return the element without altering it (removing the spaces). How can I do this without filtering out the spaces?
This is the output I want:
ghci> test '*' [" | "," # "," * "," | "," # "]
" * "
Since you've tagged your question with list-comprehension,
test :: Eq a => a -> [[a]] -> Maybe [a]
test c xs = listToMaybe [s | s <- xs, elem c s]
should do the job.
> test '*' [" | "," # "," * "," | "," # "]
Just " * "
> test '-' [" | "," # "," * "," | "," # "]
> :i listToMaybe
listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'