Is it possible to pass a concept as a template parameter? For example:
I want to do something like this:
template <typename t, typename u> concept range_of =
range<t> &&
requires (t a) {
{*a.begin()} -> std::same_as<u &>;
But instead of giving the exact type u
I want to give it a concept:
template <typename t, {{concept u}}> concept constrained_range =
range<t> &&
requires (t a) {
{*a.begin()} -> u;
It's possible to cheat a bit since we can pass lambda functions as template arguments ; a concept is just a meta-function from the domain of types to the boolean domain after all.
Here is an example:
template<auto F, typename T>
using check = std::conditional_t<
F.template operator()<T>()
, std::true_type
, std::false_type>;
#define CONCEPT(TheConcept) \
[] <typename T> () consteval { return TheConcept<T>; }
static_assert(check<CONCEPT(std::floating_point), float>::value);
Demo on Godbolt: