How can I show ansible register debug logs as a list when using debug. Right now when it loops through it returns "msg" as separate but I want a list as show below.
- name: Show created VM's
msg: "Created VM - {{ item.invocation.module_args.tags.hostname }}"
with_items: "{{ azure_nic.results }}"
label: "{{ item.invocation.module_args.tags.hostname }}"
Creates the following output:
TASK [Show created VM's] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: /home/ansible/azure_ansible/azure_playbook.yaml:120
ok: [localhost] => (item=image-201) => {
"msg": "Created VM - image-201"
ok: [localhost] => (item=image-202) => {
"msg": "Created VM - image-202"
But I want the output to be in a list like below:
- "Created VM - image-201"
- "Created VM - image-202"
Use Jinja template, e.g.
- name: Show created VM's
msg: |
{% for item in azure_nic.results %}
- Created VM - {{ item.invocation.module_args.tags.hostname }}
{% endfor %}
Q: "Is there a way I can make ansible interpret \n as a new line and display it in the output?"
A: Yes. There is. Use a callback that interprets the new lines, e.g.
shell> ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=yaml ansible-playbook playbook.yml
msg: |-
- Created VM - image-201
- Created VM - image-202
Note: The callback community.general.yaml is deprecated and will be removed from the community.general collection version 13.0.0. Use result_format=yaml instead.
What you see is JSON, probably the result of the default callback
shell> ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=default ansible-playbook playbook.yml
"msg": "- Created VM - image-201\n- Created VM - image-202\n"
As a side note. It's possible to use Python format, e.g
- name: Show created VM's
msg: "{{ '{}'.format(_msg) }}"
_msg: |
{% for item in azure_nic.results %}
- Created VM - {{ item.invocation.module_args.tags.hostname }}
{% endfor %}