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PHP Binary Tree Recursive Traversal Infinite Loop Issue

I have a binary tree and node class that can create nodes and then recursively traverse the root for pre, post and in-order node orders. This code works when in JS, but for some reason infinitely loops with a warning of "Cannot use '$this' in non-object context." when returning $this in the addSide() function. What is causing this infinite loop, and how can I fix it?


class Node {
      public $value;
      public $right = null;
      public $left = null;

      function __constructor($value) {
        $this->value = $value;

    class BinaryTree {
      public $root;

      function __constructor() {}

      function create($value) {
        $newNode = new Node($value);
        if (!$this->root) {
          $this->root = $newNode;
          return $this; //no warning
        $current = $this->root;

        function addSide($side, $current, $newNode) {
          if (!$current->$side) {
            $current->$side = $newNode;
            return $this; //Warning: "Cannot use '$this' in non-object context."
          $current = $current->$side;
        while (true) {
          if ($value === $current->value) return $this;
          if ($value < $current->value) addSide("left", $current, $newNode);
          else addSide("right", $current, $newNode);

      function preOrder() {
        $visited = [];
        $current = $this->root;

        function traversePreOrder($node) {
          array_push($visited, $node->value);
          if ($node->left) traversePreOrder($node->left);
          if ($node->right) traversePreOrder($node->right);
        return $visited;

      function postOrder() {
        $visited = [];
        $current = $this->root;

        function traversePostOrder($node) {
          if ($node->left) traversePostOrder($node->left);
          if ($node->right) traversePostOrder($node->right);
          array_push($visited, $node->value);

        return $visited;

      function inOrder() {
        $visited = [];
        $current = $this->root;

        function traverseInOrder($node) {
          if ($node->left) traverseInOrder($node->left);
          array_push($visited, $node->value);
          if ($node->right) traverseInOrder($node->right);

        return $visited;

    $tree = new BinaryTree();


    echo("inOrder: ". $tree->inOrder());
    echo("preOrder: ". $tree->preOrder());
    echo("postOrder: ". $tree->postOrder());


  • Since you don't seem to be from a PHP background, here are some of the things to note down:

    • It is __construct() and not __constructor(). This served to be a major problem in the code during value comparisons.

    • No need to create functions inside functions. This can lead to cannot redeclare function issues when a method is called twice.

    • When calling a method from another method inside a class, $this-> is necessary unless the function being called is an inbuilt function in PHP or at least available during code execution.

    • You seem to be creating a Binary Search Tree instead of just a Binary Tree.

    • Pass $visited by reference when collecting values during traversal.

    • You can't print arrays using echo. Use print_r() or use implode() to convert the array to string using a delimiter(say ,) and then print it using echo.

    • In create(), you sometimes return a node and sometimes $this. Both are not the same. Former one is an object of the Node class and the latter one is the object of the BinaryTree class.

    • In create() method, you simply need to traverse left or right from the current code according to the given value, which can be achieved using a simple while loop.

    Corrected Code:

    class Node {
      public $value;
      public $right = null;
      public $left = null;
      function __construct($value) {
        $this->value = $value;
    class BinaryTree {
      public $root;
      function __construct() {
        $this->root = null;
      function create($value) {
        $newNode = new Node($value);
        if ($this->root === null) {
          $this->root = $newNode;
          return $newNode; //no warning
        $current = $this->root;
        while($current !== null){        
            if($current->value > $value){
                if($current->left === null){
                    $current->left = $newNode;
                    $current = $current->left;
            }else if($current->value < $value){
                if($current->right === null){
                    $current->right = $newNode;
                    $current = $current->right;
                throw new \Exception("Node with $value already exists.");
        return $newNode;
      function preOrder() {
        $visited = [];
        $current = $this->root;
        return $visited;
      function traversePreOrder($node,&$visited) {
        array_push($visited, $node->value);
        if ($node->left !== null)  $this->traversePreOrder($node->left,$visited);
        if ($node->right !== null)  $this->traversePreOrder($node->right,$visited);
      function postOrder() {
        $visited = [];
        $current = $this->root;
        return $visited;
      function traversePostOrder($node,&$visited) {
        if ($node->left !== null)  $this->traversePostOrder($node->left,$visited);
        if ($node->right !== null)  $this->traversePostOrder($node->right,$visited);
        array_push($visited, $node->value);
      function inOrder() {
        $visited = [];
        $current = $this->root;
        return $visited;
      function traverseInOrder($node,&$visited) {
        if ($node->left != null)  $this->traverseInOrder($node->left,$visited);
        array_push($visited, $node->value);
        if ($node->right !== null)  $this->traverseInOrder($node->right,$visited);
    $tree = new BinaryTree();
    echo "inOrder: ". implode(",",$tree->inOrder()),PHP_EOL;
    echo "preOrder: ". implode(",",$tree->preOrder()),PHP_EOL;
    echo "postOrder: ". implode(",",$tree->postOrder()),PHP_EOL;

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