I am trying to update a table field using dropdowns. I have made it work with only a single row of data but I am having trouble getting livewire to follow the rows. I think this is where I should be looking but I am not following on what to do. https://laravel-livewire.com/docs/2.x/nesting-components
[screen cap of first three rows][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/znG96.png The first dropdown is basically a class of categories and the second dropdown is the specific category that I want to assign to the transaction.
main view
@livewire('transaction-category', ['types'=>$types], key($types->type))
<td class="border" >
<select name="types" wire:model="types" class="inv_select ">
<option value=''>Choose Category Class</option>
@foreach($types as $t)
<option value={{ $t->type }}>{{ $t->type }}</option>
<select name="subclass" wire:model="subclass" class="inv_select">
<option value=''>Choose Category</option>
@foreach($subclass as $s)
<option value={{ $s->type }}>{{ $s->type }}</option>
Livewire Model
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use Livewire\Component;
use App\Models\Category;
class TransactionCategory extends Component
public $types;
public $subclass=[];
public function mount(){
public function updatedTypes(){
dd($this->subclass =Category::subs($this->types));
$this->subclass =Category::subs($this->types);
public function render()
return view('livewire.transaction-category');
You need to understand better what livewire means about public properties and the difference between collections. I'm not clear about what model your table loops over, so I´m going to assume is about a transaction model.
My approach here first with
@livewire('transaction-category', ['transaction' => $transaction], key($transaction->id))
public Transaction $transaction;
public $selectedType, $selectedSub;
public $types, $subclass;
public function mount(){
// I'm going to improve with your code
$this->types = Category::all();
$this->subclass = Collection()->empty();
public function updatedSelectedType($value)
if($value) {
$this->subclass = Category::subs($this->types)->get();
} else {
$this->subclass = Collection()->empty();
and the blade elements
<td class="border" >
<select name="types" wire:model="selectedType" class="inv_select ">
<option value=''>Choose Category Class</option>
@foreach($types as $t)
<option value={{ $t->type }}>{{ $t->type }}</option>
<select name="subclass" wire:model="selectedSub" class="inv_select">
<option value=''>Choose Category</option>
@foreach($subclass as $s)
<option value={{ $s->type }}>{{ $s->type }}</option>