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How to make Next.js links dynamic based on current dynamic page?

I am building an LMS using Next.js. So far my project structure is localhost/courses/1. Every course will have 7 pages. Dashboard, Assignment, TestAndQuizzes, Gradebook, Resources, Announcements, and Roster. I have all the components and pages ready. So if I manually go to localhost/courses/1/assignments or localhost/courses/1323/roster, etc. works fine.

What I want to do is: When I click on the assignment link, I need to go to the assignment page of that specific course - something like localhost/courses/1/assignments. Currently, I have hard-coded the URL to /courses/1/[page] so if I click assignments it will go to localhost/courses/1/assignment or if I click roster it will go to localhost/courses/1/roster.

How do I make that route dynamic so that when users click on one of the tabs inside a course, it takes them to that page of that specific course?

I looked up next/link and next/router but I still am not able to do that. Any help?

Edit: Here is my folder structure:

enter image description here

Like I said above, for now I have used the links to send someone to /courses/1/assignment for example.

If you want to check out the site it is hosted at My app.

import Image from 'next/image';
import tools from "./sidebarData";
import SideBarItem from "./SidebarItem";

function Sidebar() {
    return (
        <div className="flex mt-8 ml-20">
            <div className="">
                    {Object.entries(tools).map(([key, {title, url, icon}]) => (
                        <SideBarItem key={key} title={title} Icon={icon} url={url}/>


export default Sidebar;

import Link from 'next/link';
import {useState, useEffect} from 'react';

function SidebarItem({title, Icon, url}) {

    const [currentUrl, setCurrentUrl] = useState('');
    useEffect(() => {
    }), [];

    return (
            <li className="flex mb-8 group">
                <div className="shadow-sm p-2 mr-3 rounded-lg"><Icon className="h-8 w-9 hover:animate-bounce" /></div>
                <Link href={`${url}`} ><a className="self-center cursor-pointer transition duration-100 transform hover:scale-125">{title}</a></Link>

export default SidebarItem;

// export tool names and URLs
import {

} from "@heroicons/react/outline";

export default{
        title: 'Home',
        url: '/courses/1/',
        icon: HomeIcon,
        component : "dashboard"
        title: 'Assignments',
        url: '/courses/1/assignments',
        icon: AcademicCapIcon,
        component : "assignment"
        title: 'Test and Quizzes',
        url: '/courses/1/testAndQuizzes',
        component : "testAndQuizzes"
        title: 'Gradebook',
        url: '/courses/1/gradebook',
        component : "gradebook"
        title: 'Resources',
        url: '/courses/1/resources',
        icon: FolderOpenIcon,
        component : "resources"
        title: 'Announcements',
        url: '/courses/1/announcements',
        component : "announcements"
        title: 'Roster',
        url: '/courses/1/roster',
        component : "roster"


  • In your JSON data replace the hardcoded course IDs in the url fields with [courseId], e.g. /courses/[courseId] or /courses/[courseId]/assignments.

    You can then use a URL object format in the Link's href to interpolate the [courseId] in the URLs with the current course ID retrieved from router.query.

    import Link from 'next/link';
    import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
    function SidebarItem({ title, Icon, url }) {
        const router = useRouter();
        return (
                <li className="flex mb-8 group">
                    <div className="shadow-sm p-2 mr-3 rounded-lg"><Icon className="h-8 w-9 hover:animate-bounce" /></div>
                    <Link href={{
                        pathname: url,
                        query: { courseId: router.query.courseId }
                        <a className="self-center cursor-pointer transition duration-100 transform hover:scale-125">{title}</a>

    This should make all links in the sidebar dynamic, based on the current course page the user is on.