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Fixing hierarchy data with table transformation (Hive, scala, spark)

I have a task with working with hierarchical data, but the source data contains errors in the hierarchy, namely: some parent-child links are broken. I have an algorithm for reestablishing such connections, but I have not yet been able to implement it on my own. Example: Initial data is

| A1   |  1 | 2        |     1 |
| B1   |  2 | 3        |     2 |
| C1   | 18 | 4        |     3 |
| C2   |  3 | 5        |     3 |
| D1   |  4 | NULL     |     4 |
| D2   |  5 | NULL     |     4 |
| D3   | 10 | 11       |     4 |
| E1   | 11 | NULL     |     5 |

Schematically it looks like: enter image description here

As you can see, connections with C1 and D3 are lost here. In order to restore connections, I need to apply the following algorithm for this table:

if for some NAME the ID is not in the PARENTID column (like ID = 18, 10), then create a row with a 'parent' with LEVEL = (current LEVEL - 1) and PARENTID = (current ID), and take ID and NAME such that the current ID < ID of the node from the LEVEL above.

Result must be like:

| A1   |  1 | 2        |     1 |
| B1   |  2 | 3        |     2 |
| B1   |  2 | 18       |     2 |#
| C1   | 18 | 4        |     3 |
| C2   |  3 | 5        |     3 |
| C2   |  3 | 10       |     3 |#
| D1   |  4 | NULL     |     4 |
| D2   |  5 | NULL     |     4 |
| D3   | 10 | 11       |     4 |
| E1   | 11 | NULL     |     5 |

Where rows with # - new rows created.And new schema looks like:

enter image description here

Are there any ideas on how to do this algorithm in spark/scala? Thanks!


  • You can build a createdRows dataframe from your current dataframe that you union with your current dataframe to obtain your final dataframe.

    You can build this createdRows dataframe in several step:

    • The first step is to get the IDs (and LEVEL) that are not in PARENTID column. You can use a self left anti join to do that.
    • Then, you renameID column to PARENTID and updating LEVEL column, decreasing it by 1.
    • Then, you take ID and NAME columns of new rows by joining it with your input dataframe on the LEVEL column
    • Finally, you apply your condition ID < PARENTID

    You end up with the following code, dataframe is the dataframe with your initial data:

    import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
    val createdRows = dataframe
      // if for some NAME the ID is not in the PARENTID column (like ID = 18, 10)
      .select("LEVEL", "ID")
      .filter(col("LEVEL") > 1) // Remove root node from created rows
      .join("PARENTID"), col("PARENTID") === col("ID"), "left_anti")
      // then create a row with a 'parent' with LEVEL = (current LEVEL - 1) and PARENTID = (current ID)
      .withColumnRenamed("ID", "PARENTID")
      .withColumn("LEVEL", col("LEVEL") - 1)
      // and take ID and NAME  
      .join("NAME", "ID", "LEVEL"), Seq("LEVEL"))
      // such that the current ID < ID of the node from the LEVEL above.
      .filter(col("ID") < col("PARENTID"))
    val result = dataframe
      .orderBy("NAME", "PARENTID") // Optional, if you want an ordered result

    And in result dataframe you get:

    |A1  |1  |2       |1    |
    |B1  |2  |3       |2    |
    |B1  |2  |18      |2    |
    |C1  |18 |4       |3    |
    |C2  |3  |5       |3    |
    |C2  |3  |10      |3    |
    |D1  |4  |null    |4    |
    |D2  |5  |null    |4    |
    |D3  |10 |11      |4    |
    |E1  |11 |null    |5    |