:My Script saves with Out-File some Sentences in a File. But when it saves it its not ordered so i saved the output in a variable and joined the spaces.
$weatherInfo -join ""| Out-File C:\Wetterbot\Wetter\$Datum.txt
The Variable contains the function from an API of openweathermap and looks like this:
$forecastInfo = Write-WeatherForecast -City $place -ApiKey $ApiKey -Units metric -Days $tage 6>&1
If i dont join it, it looks like this in the file:
Forecast for
next 1 day:
Oct 22
(☁️ broken clouds)
Oct 23
(☁️ broken clouds)
Now its all in one line like this:
Forecast for zurich next 3 days:Oct 22: 9.285°C (☁️ broken clouds)Oct 23: 7.64°C (☁️ broken clouds)Oct 24: 7.94°C (☀️ clear sky)Oct 25: 10.99°C (☁️ few clouds)
But I want a break after every forecast so:
Forecast for zurich next 3 days:
Oct 22: 9.285°C (☁️ broken clouds)
Oct 23: 7.64°C (☁️ broken clouds)
Oct 24: 7.94°C (☀️ clear sky)
Oct 25: 10.99°C (☁️ few clouds)
I already tried with -split but there was this error:
parsing ")" - Too many )'s.
I just tried it to split with "Oct" like this:
$forecastInfo -join "" -split "Oct"|Out-File C:\Wetterbot\Vorhersage\$Datum.txt
And the Output in the File looks like this:
Forecast for zurich next 3 days:
22: 9.155°C (☁️ broken clouds)
23: 7.64°C (☁️ broken clouds)
24: 7.94°C (☀️ clear sky)
25: 10.99°C (☁️ few clouds)
Does anyone know why the Oct dissappears and how i can get it back? I would be happy if anybody would help me. Thanks
That looks like a very weird format indeed..
I would go through that file one line at a time and build the header line
(Forecast for zurich next 3 days:
) and the daily forecast lines like below:
$Datum = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd HH.mm.ss' # just guessing here..
$header = @()
$forecast = @()
$inHeader = $true
# use switch to read and parse the file line-by-line
$result = switch -Regex -File "C:\Wetterbot\Wetter\$Datum.txt" {
'^[a-z]{3}\s\d+' {
# starting a new daily forecast
if ($inHeader) {
$inHeader = $false
# output the header line
$header -join ' '
if ($forecast.Count) {
# output the previous day forecast line
$forecast -join ' ' -replace ' :', ':'
$forecast = @() # clear it for the next lines
$forecast += $_.Trim()
# I know you shoud avoid concatenating with `+=`, but since
# this concerns only a few items I guess it won't bother that much.
default { if ($inHeader) { $header += $_.Trim() } else {$forecast += $_.Trim() } }
# finish up with the final forecast
if ($forecast.Count) { $result += $forecast -join ' ' -replace ' :', ':'}
# output on screen
# output to (new) text file
$result | Set-Content -Path "C:\Wetterbot\Wetter\$Datum.txt" -Encoding utf8
Forecast for zurich next 3 days:
Oct 22: 9.285°C (☁️ broken clouds)
Oct 23: 7.64°C (☁️ broken clouds)
Oct 24: 7.94°C (☀️ clear sky)
Oct 25: 10.99°C (☁️ few clouds)