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Unable to get data on joining Multiple Eloquent Relationships

i wanted to display id,FileName & FilePath from Files table and id & name from User table along with the course table columns - id,courseDisplayName & aboutCourse. But it is returning null from both files & user relations.How can i fix this?


Course Model

  public function files()
        return $this->belongsTo(Files::class, 'fileId', 'id');

    public function user()
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'userId', 'id');

This gives an output as below:

        "id": 20,
        "courseDisplayName": "asasasb",
        "aboutCourse": null,
        "files": null,
        "user": null
        "id": 14,
        "courseDisplayName": "yuu",
        "aboutCourse": "kljkl",
        "files": null,
        "user": null


  • You will have to select the foreign keys fileId and userId too in order to use the relationship of files and user so the query will be like

    ->select('id','courseDisplayName','aboutCourse', 'userId', 'fileId')