import pyglet
from pyglet import shapes
title = " Tic-tac-toe "
window = pyglet.window.Window(600,600, title)
batch =
def drawBoard(shape_list, batch=None):
for i in range(100, 300, 100):
linex = shapes.Line(i, 1, i, 300, width=10, color=(0, 230, 0), batch=batch)
linex.opacity = 600
liney = shapes.Line(1, i, 300, i, width=10, color=(0, 230, 0), batch=batch)
liney.opacity = 600
shape_list = []
drawBoard(shape_list, batch=batch)
def on_draw():
The problem is how can I put the grid in the center of the pyglet window by using pyglet this problem is like a fishbone in my neck.
Define offset_x
and offset_y
and add it to the cooridantes:
def drawBoard(shape_list, batch=None):
offset_x, offset_y = 150, 150
for i in range(offset_x+100, offset_x+300, 100):
linex = shapes.Line(i, offset_y, i, offset_y+300, width=10, color=(0, 230, 0), batch=batch)
linex.opacity = 600
for i in range(offset_x+100, offset_x+300, 100):
liney = shapes.Line(offset_y, i, offset_y+300, i, width=10, color=(0, 230, 0), batch=batch)
liney.opacity = 600
A more generic way is to compute the center of the window and the bounding box of the grid:
def drawBoard(shape_list, batch=None):
window_size = 600, 600
center = window_size[0]//2, window_size[1]//2
tile_size = 100
left, right = center[0] - 1.5*tile_size, center[0] + 1.5*tile_size,
bottom, top = center[1] - 1.5*tile_size, center[1] + 1.5*tile_size,
for i in range(1, 3):
offset = tile_size * i
linex = shapes.Line(left, offset+bottom, right, offset+bottom, width=10, color=(0, 230, 0), batch=batch)
linex.opacity = 600
liney = shapes.Line(offset+left, bottom, offset+left, top, width=10, color=(0, 230, 0), batch=batch)
liney.opacity = 600