I have a JSON array that I'm saving in a PHP variable. I'm then serializing that array using serialize($variable)
and saving it to the dB with the built in Wordpress function update_post_meta()
The problem I'm having is that the entire serialized array is wrapped with a string count. Like so, currently being saved as:
I need to save it without the string count for the entire array. Desired output:
Any help with this is, as always, greatly appreciated.
It seems that your array is serialized twice and that's what gives you the addendum ... I have taken your serialize data and un serialized it twice and it came back as you wanted :
$ser = 's:332:"a:2:{i:0;a:7:{s:4:"type";s:5:"weeks";s:4:"cost";s:1:"3";s:8:"modifier";s:0:"";s:9:"base_cost";s:1:"2";s:13:"base_modifier";s:0:"";s:4:"from";s:1:"1";s:2:"to";s:1:"4";}i:1;a:7:{s:4:"type";s:7:"persons";s:4:"cost";s:1:"6";s:8:"modifier";s:0:"";s:9:"base_cost";s:1:"5";s:13:"base_modifier";s:0:"";s:4:"from";s:1:"1";s:2:"to";s:1:"2";}}";';
$arr = unserialize($ser);
echo '<pre>';
print_r($arr); /* Print after one unserialize */
echo '<pre>';
print_r(unserialize($arr)); /* Print with unserialize to the once unserialized*/
Will return:
[0] => Array
[type] => weeks
[cost] => 3
[modifier] =>
[base_cost] => 2
[base_modifier] =>
[from] => 1
[to] => 4
[1] => Array
[type] => persons
[cost] => 6
[modifier] =>
[base_cost] => 5
[base_modifier] =>
[from] => 1
[to] => 2
As you can see only after two unserialize it returns back to an array... so just do one and you have what you need.