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multivariate function minimum approximation using gradient descent

How can we approximate the minimum of a function like y = 2x1+x2x2+4 with gradient descent in the error backpropagation? if we consider initial values for x1 and x2 are zero and step width of 0.5.


  • In general, you can solve this kind of problem from scratch using the autograd package to compute gradient of y(x1, x2). Here is an example:

    import autograd
    # define your function to mimimize
    def y(x1, x2):
        return 2*x1 + x2*x2 + 4
    # get analytical gradients of y w.r.t the variables
    dy_dx1 = autograd.grad(y, 0)
    dy_dx2 = autograd.grad(y, 1)
    # define starting values, step size
    x1, x2 = 0.0, 0.0
    step_size = 0.5
    num_iterations = 100
    ys = []
    for iteration in range(num_iterations):
        # record value
        y_value = y(x1, x2)
        print(f'at iteration {iteration}, y({x1:.1f}, {x2:.1f}) = {y_value}')
        # compute gradients
        der_x1 = dy_dx1(x1, x2)
        der_x2 = dy_dx2(x1, x2)
        # update variables to minimize
        x1 -= step_size * der_x1
        x2 -= step_size * der_x2

    Note that in your case, computing the gradient analytically is straightforward a well. Also the minimum of this function will be -∞ as x1 → -∞ so the result of this kind of gradient descent might give unhelpful results.