How can we approximate the minimum of a function like y = 2x1+x2x2+4 with gradient descent in the error backpropagation? if we consider initial values for x1 and x2 are zero and step width of 0.5.
In general, you can solve this kind of problem from scratch using the autograd
package to compute gradient of y(x1, x2). Here is an example:
import autograd
# define your function to mimimize
def y(x1, x2):
return 2*x1 + x2*x2 + 4
# get analytical gradients of y w.r.t the variables
dy_dx1 = autograd.grad(y, 0)
dy_dx2 = autograd.grad(y, 1)
# define starting values, step size
x1, x2 = 0.0, 0.0
step_size = 0.5
num_iterations = 100
ys = []
for iteration in range(num_iterations):
# record value
y_value = y(x1, x2)
print(f'at iteration {iteration}, y({x1:.1f}, {x2:.1f}) = {y_value}')
# compute gradients
der_x1 = dy_dx1(x1, x2)
der_x2 = dy_dx2(x1, x2)
# update variables to minimize
x1 -= step_size * der_x1
x2 -= step_size * der_x2
Note that in your case, computing the gradient analytically is straightforward a well. Also the minimum of this function will be -∞ as x1 → -∞ so the result of this kind of gradient descent might give unhelpful results.