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Scheduled execution of a function in Clojure

I want to create a batch function in Clojure:

Given a delay-ms, it will batch calls to function f, within that period, and send it all in one go.

Here's a naive implementation:

(defn delay-f
  [f delay-ms]
  (let [timer (Timer.)
        task (atom nil)
        latest-batch (atom [])]
    (fn [& args]
      (swap! latest-batch conj args)
      (when-not @task
        (let [new-task (proxy [TimerTask] []
                         (run []
                           (f @latest-batch)
                           (reset! task nil)
                           (reset! latest-batch [])
                           (.purge timer)))]
          (reset! task new-task)
          (.schedule timer new-task delay-ms))))))

I'm pretty sure, that given my use of atoms here, there's a race condition.

What would be the idiomatic solution here?


  • I think the best way to approach this problem would be to use the timer library overtone/at-at instead of reinventing the wheel. In particular, the function provides the scheduling you want.

    Define an atom to hold accumulated tasks (a.k.a "thunks") to execute, and a function to append new tasks to the queue.

    Define an "execute" function that is passed to every that will clear the queue and execute each task found there in sequence.

    The Clojure atom will prevent any race conditions, as only the "append" function or the "execute" function is allowed to execute at any given point in time. If both functions try to modify the atom contents simultaneously, one of them will be forced to wait until the other completes.

    For alternative libs, please see the Clojure-Toolbox under the topic Scheduling.