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Placing Images in loop in Tkinter

I'm trying to place a set of images in a horizontal row in Tkinter. I do this by looping over a list, and loading the corresponding images from the working directory. I place the images according to the index multiplied with a certain amount of spacing. However, when i actually place the images, they all get placed on top of each other in the last spot, instead of spaced out. The count value works fine, and when i print(spacing*(count+1)) it outputs the correct values but when placing they all get bunched up in the last place.

Does this have something to do with the Label() class?

for count, mood in enumerate(mood_options):
    mood_img ="img/{mood}.png")
    mood_img_copy = mood_img.resize(img_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    mood_img_resized = ImageTk.PhotoImage(mood_img_copy)
    mood_img_label = Label(root, image=mood_img_resized).place(relx=spacing*(count+1), rely=0.35)
    print(spacing * (count + 1))

EDIT: I have used this exact method for placing buttons, see below:

for count, mood in enumerate(mood_options):
    mood_btn = Button(root, text=mood.capitalize(), command=lambda mood=mood: register_mood(mood), width=7) \
        .place(relx=(count + 1) * spacing, rely=0.5)

This works flawlessly, which makes me wonder why it wouldn't work with images, instead of buttons.


  • If the same logic works for buttons, then the problem might be the image is garbage collected, in this case you cannot store the image as an attribute of some class to hold reference, because over each iteration each image will be overwritten, holding refence to the last image only. Same happens with global as well. So the way to go here would be appending to a list. Try something like:

    lst = []
    for count, mood in enumerate(mood_options):
        mood_img ="img/{mood}.png")
        mood_img_copy = mood_img.resize(img_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
        mood_img_resized = ImageTk.PhotoImage(mood_img_copy)
        Label(root, image=mood_img_resized).place(relx=spacing*(count+1), rely=0.35)
        print(spacing * (count + 1))

    Though it would be much better to place stuff using grid to place it in a grid like manner. If your worried about responsiveness of the window then look at weight:

    from tkinter import *
    root = Tk()
    mood_options = ['a', 'b', 'c']
    for count, mood in enumerate(mood_options):
        Label(root, text=mood).grid(row=0,column=count,padx=50)