I am a new user of moodle, and I am trying to create a educational platform. I currently using the free version of moodle so I can test the features and after trial period finish buy the license. My problem is that I am trying to upload a theme from plugins, but the "Install plugin" button doesn't appear on the "Site administration". I am the only super admin in the forum. I have seen some similar questions and in most of them the answer was to be sure that you viewing with super admin view (but I am sure that this isn't the problem).
I have hosted this site to moodle official server. After searching and many re-installations of the platform, didn't manage to find out what is wrong.
Does anyone had the same problem and found solution?
Can you edit or view yourmoodlesite/config.php
Does it have one of these settings?
$CFG->disableonclickaddoninstall = true;
$CFG->disableupdateautodeploy = true;
Either delete them or set to false
For more details see yourmoodlesite/config-dist.php
New versions of Moodle
// Use the following flag to completely disable the installation of plugins
// (new plugins, available updates and missing dependencies) and related
// features (such as cancelling the plugin installation or upgrade) via the
// server administration web interface.
// $CFG->disableupdateautodeploy = true;
Old versions of Moodle
// Use the following flag to completely disable the On-click add-on installation
// feature and hide it from the server administration UI.
// $CFG->disableonclickaddoninstall = true;