I've had to write my first Outlook add-in.
Basically, I have two signatures to choose from: "oferta" and "default". Depending on the words contained in the mail subject, a different signature will be used.
Everything works fine with text-only signatures, but when pictures are included, these are never sent and ares displayed as blank squares instead.
However, if I manually select any of the signatures in Outlook, the pictures are properly displayed.
I guess the problem is in the GetSignature() method, which I borrowed form someone else's answer (sorry, I can't find where I got this from!).
How could I solve this? Is there a better way to automatically change the signatures?
This is my code:
public partial class ThisAddIn
private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Application.ItemSend += new Outlook.ApplicationEvents_11_ItemSendEventHandler(Application_ItemSend);
// When an email is sent a different signature is appended depending on the subject.
private void Application_ItemSend(object Item, ref bool Cancel)
MailItem mail = (MailItem)Item;
string subject = mail.Subject;
string firma = subject.ToUpper().Contains("PEDIDO") ? GetSignature("oferta") : GetSignature("default");
mail.HTMLBody += firma;
if (mail != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(mail);
// Finds and returns the .htm signature file.
private string GetSignature(string signatureName)
string appDataDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\Microsoft\\Signatures";
string signature = string.Empty;
DirectoryInfo diInfo = new DirectoryInfo(appDataDir);
if (diInfo.Exists)
FileInfo[] fiSignature = diInfo.GetFiles(signatureName + ".htm");
if (fiSignature.Length > 0)
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fiSignature[0].FullName, Encoding.Default);
signature = sr.ReadToEnd();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(signature))
string fileName = fiSignature[0].Name.Replace(fiSignature[0].Extension, string.Empty);
signature = signature.Replace(fileName + "_files/", appDataDir + "/" + fileName + "_files/");
return signature;
Of course - pictures are added as separate attachments, and you never deal with them.
Also, concatenating two HTML strings (mail.HTMLBody += firma;
) does not necessarily produce a valid HTML string.
If using Redemption is an option (I am its author), it exposes RDOSignature.ApplyTo
method, whcih inserts a signature including its attachments and styles.